When you need to carry out several different kinds of work at height, such as work on a roof or scaffolding, your equipment must be flexible, comfortable and safe.
If you work hanging outside the construction, the demands on your equipment are slightly different. Then it is mainly a question of locking yourself safely and securely and in the right position.
Our positioning kit includes a well-fitting harness with padding on the waist belt and around the legs. The harness can be adjusted over the shoulders and around the waist and legs. You lock yourself securely with a pair of sturdy ladder hooks with attached fall arresters. The kit also comes with an easy-to-use site lanyard. The products are supplied in a sturdy, water-resistant bag that can be carried on the back.
Art. no. 967320
• Harness SR Technic
• Positioning line “Site” 2 m with Locker lock
• Carabiner alu, oval 26 kN ozone black triplock
• Absorber reactor 140 EYE Y 155 cm + 2xK35
• Gear bag 35 l SR